ps.Р托运单位:РShipperР急救措施РEmergency medical treatment.Р灭火方法РMethod for fire fighting.Р托运日期:РDate of shippingР撒漏处理方法РMethod to deal with leakage.Р注:*单一物质注明分子式,混合物注明主要成分。Р性质应包括状态、色、味、比重、熔点、闪点、爆炸极限、中毒最大浓度、致死量及危险程度、并附技术检验部门的检查报告。Р该种货物本身危害特性和与其它货物的相容性,说明在遇到某种货物时易发生的危险。РFormula should be indicated for a single substance and ponents for a mixture.РProporties should include state, color, odour, melting point, flash point, explosion limits, poisonous concentration, LD50/LC50РThe testing reports issued by technical anizations should be attached.РCompatibility between the cargo and others; description of the danger of the cargo in contact with others.Р* * 包装方法应说明包装的材质、状态、厚度、封口、内部衬物、外部加固情况及单位重量等。Р Packaging should include: material, state, thickness, closure, inner lining, outer securing and unit weight.