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in the zoo. He likes animals. He says he can see many animals there. At the bus stop they say goodbye. Р(F)1. It is Saturday tomorrow. Р(F)2. Tony is Tom’s brother. Р(F)3. Tom’s uncle is going to the supermarket. Р(T)4. Ann is Tony’s mother.Р(T)5. Henry is on the bus, too.Р(F)6. There are no animals in the zoo today. Р听力原文Р一、听录音,选出你听到的单词:Р1. tail 2. nine 3. balloon 4. label 5. babies Р6. swing?7. little 8. ladybird 9. cat 10. birdsР二、听录音,选出你听到的句子:Р1. Hello, Miss Chen. 2. Jack has a dog.Р3. Look at the boats. 4. How are you? Р5. This is a blackboard. Р三、据你听到的内容判断对错,对“T”,错“F”:Р1. How old is Peter? 2. Who’s she? Р 3. Are you my mother? 4. Are you happy? Р5. It’s a circle biscuit. 6. Is this your mother? Р7. What color are the hats? 8. Is it a cake, Ben? Р9. What is it? 10. It’s cold. Р小学资源网/


