
PeppaPig第二季粉红小猪 英文 字幕 全集文本

上传者:业精于勤 |  格式:doc  |  页数:60 |  大小:1070KB

u could hear the sea.Р"Wow, I can hearthe sea!"РI love my seashell.Р"e, can you find a seashell, too?"РShell!РThat's not a shell.РOh.РPeppa's right.РThat's not a shell.Рe has found a fossil.РWhat's a fossil?РAfossil is the remains of an animal that livedРlong ago when there were dinosaurs.РDinosaur!РRock pools are such fun!Р"Yes, they are fun for us."РBut not forthis little fish.РA fish!РWhere?РPoor little fish. She's trapped.РThe little fish says she wants toРgo back to the sea.РMaybe you could use your bucketРto rescue her.РYes.РPeppa is rescuing the little fishРin her bucket.Р"Don't worry, Mrs. Fish."РYou'll soon be back with yourfriends.Р"Bye bye, Mrs. Fish."РBye bye.РI love rock pools!Р_08_Windy_Autumn_DayРWindy Autumn DayР"Today, Peppa is going to the park."РBrrr! Lt's freezing cold!


