
山东省临沂市兰山区2016 2017学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题

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k to Р47. Are ,good with 48.am, late for 49.takes the subwayР五.(每空1分共10分)Р 50..don’t like 51.get 52.don’t have 53. quickly 54. sometimesР55.gets 56.vegetables 57.her 58.tastes 59.swimsР六、(每空1分共10分,写字母或单词都可)Р60-64:BCEDAР65-69:LGKIFРat B. old C .in D. breakfast E. gets up F. watch РG .afternoon H. on I. his J. her K. with L .beginsР七、(15分)70书面表达:РMary’s DayРMary is a good girl. She has a healthy life. Every morning she gets up at 6:00.Then at 6:30, she eats breakfast at home. After breakfast, she goes to school by bike at 7:15.His classes begin at 8:00. At a quarter to twelve, she has lunch at school. At 4:30,she gets home from school. She eats dinner with her parents at 5:00. From 6:00 to 8:00, she does her homework, does some reading and then takes a walk. At last, she goes to bed at 9:30.


