Changchun University of Science and TechnologyР Р在校证明Р 姓名: ,性别: ,出生日期: 年月日,Р学号: 于年月入我校Р 学院专业科学习,学制年,现为大学年级学生。Р特此证明。Р 长春理工大学教务处Р 年月日РChangchun University of Science and TechnologyР РCertificateР РThis is to certify that Tang Jielin, male, born on July 27th, 1981, has been enrolled as a student majoring in Automation since September, 1999. His student ID number is 88888888, and he is currently studying in the fourth year of four-year educational system in School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University. РAcademic Affairs OfficeРChangchun University of Science and TechnologyРPeople's Republic of ChinaРNovember 27th, 2004