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ellР D. very smallР 第 4 空选项Р A. be telecast againР B. be kept for later useР C. be put on video tapeР D. be telecast in full colorР 第 5 空选项Р A. get close up views of operationsР B. learn various subjectsР C. watch the 1964 Olympic Games in TokyoРD. watch local programsР第1空答案 C. it brings the world into people's own home in sight and soundР第2空答案 D. the 1950sР第3空答案 A. very greatР第4空答案 D. be telecast in full colorР第5空答案 C. watch the 1964 Olympic Games in TokyoР41、 Directions: For this part, you are required to write position on the topic Smoking Is Dangerous to Health. position should be based on the following outline. position should be no less than 120 words.Р Outline: 1. smoking is dangerous to the smoker's healthР 2. smoking is dangerous to other people's healthР 3. smoking is a bad habit


