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ing D. The Best of the Song Books Р48. If you buy one book The Little Fingers, how much can you save?РA. $3.00. B. $6.00. C. $7.00 D. $10.00.Р49. You read this advertisement most probably .РA. on the radio B. in a magazineРC. on the D. in a newspaper Р(MY—2)РA РThe chart (图表) below shows mon health problems that happen to the people who often use the for over four hours at a time. The numbers by Y-axis shows percentage (百分比) of the people who have a certain problem.Р47. How many physical problems does the chart show? Р A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. Р48. ______ of the people may have bad eyesight according to the chart. Р A. 70%. B. 60%. C. 50%. D. 30%. Р49. Which is the biggest problem according to the chart? Р A. Bad sleep. B. Bad eyesight. C.Pain in neck and back. D. Stomachache.


