
压铸模具设计(外文 中文译文)

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determined. Alloying is achieved at this stage where raw materials are in liquid phase. Most known furnace types to prepare the liquid metal are:РCrucible Type FurnacesРCoupol Type FurnacesРElectric-Arc FurnacesРConvertersРSiemens-Martins FurnacesРThe most difficult and important part of melting & alloying process is the removal of impurities from the liquid. These operations differ according to the type of furnace.Р2.7 Design of CastingsРWhen designing casting the most important consideration is the effect of shrinkage during cooling. Other important factors include metal flow, and porosity. РSome general rules are,Р - Avoid sharp corners - they can lead to hot tearing during cooling. Р - Use fillets cautiously - they lead to stresses as they shrink a radius of 1/8" to 1" are acceptable.


