
(潍坊地区)2018中考英语总复习 题型突破 题型七 翻译句子试题

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.Could you please tell me where there is a good place to eat? Р3.She used to be shy so she took up dancing to deal with shyness. Р4.He always avoids looking at me. Р(十四)Р1.I took your umbrella by mistake just now. Р2.He came up with a good idea. Р3.Please keep away from the machines because they are very dangerous. Р4.I used to get up early in the morning. Р(十五)Р1.It will take you at least half an hour to get there. Р2.The higher you stand, the farther you see. Р3.Teachers take great pride in their students' achievements. Р4.Do you plan to set up your pany? Р(十六)Р1.We are looking forward to the summer holidays. Р2.My father used to go to work by car, but now he takes the bus. Р3.We are busy preparing for today's exam all the time. Р4.I don't think our teacher will turn down our invitation.


