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eir hooves: and As the Mousegod wants him to be seen Р "Reach for your oars . . ." As everywhere at once. РT'lesspiax, his yard at 60°, sending it РAcross the radiant air as lliuln swept Right now near Hyacinth the son of Hyacinth, a Greek Р Onto the strip Able to quarw slate, throw a fair pot (and decorate it) Р Illto the Greeks He chose to follow Agamemnon (still up-ridge Р Over the venue where Still saying "Ours by dark . . .") while Hyacinth stood Р1b.0hours ago all present prayed for peace. Alone in the dispersal, awed Р And carried Greece By Hector's speed by Hector's light as Hector jumped Р Rack up the slope that leads His sword-that caught the light-into his other hand Р \'id its ridge Lent out across the Troyside wheel Р Onto the uindy plain. And wishing him the very best of luck


