installation directory vdm51. Who folder keilc/C51 / DLL to bin directory. Р(3) modify the installation directory Keil tools. TDRV4 = BIN, add the DLL. VDM51. \Р(4) in the schematic drawing Proteus, in "Debug menu, select" Use Remote Debug hand ".Р(5) in open in a project Keil, right-click Target1, choose for - Target 'Target 1'. In the open dialog box select "De - bug TAB, select and use VSM Proteus Emulator simulation (figure 6 shows), click" Ok "complete Debug Settings. 6 graph 6 such Keil Proteus and is connected, the simulation results can be in Proteus or Keil. This circuit system USES "1-wire bus" digital sensor DS18B20 to realize the collection of temperature, using seven segment digital tube data shows. Will program and simulation diagram realization circuit connected, simulation