切气息都幻化成了悄无声息的因子,在记忆的深处潜滋暗长,一切就这样简单而诗意,和谐而亲切。Р All breaths are changed intothe silent things which grow stealthily in the deep memory. Allthese are so simple and poetry, harmonious and kindly.Р 71.闭上眼,寻找一片森林,一个永远洒满阳光,永远有湖水、绿地的诗境,撇开人群、都市的拥挤,撇开一切的喧扰。Р Close your eyes, look for aforest, a place full of sunshine and poetic conception around withlake, greenbelt, which can seclude yourself from the crowded peopleand city, and all the tumult.Р 72.避开这纷扰,只需要一个理由,忘却一切刻意的安排,让自己在烦乱的世界里保持几分清醒与宁静。Р We only need one excuse toavoid the disturbance around, forgetting all the specialmanagement, and holding some clear and peace in theworld.Р 73.雅致、个性、简约、实用。设计者旨在于以一种完美的诗意思维来装点个人的宁静空间。Р Elegant, unique, simple andpractical. The designers hope to decorate your peaceful space witha kind of perfect poetic thought.