
unit8 Is there a post office near here 全英文说课稿

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picture”. РAs they do this, I’ll walk around and give them help if necessary. Then, as they have done, ask them to perform their conversations. РStep 6 SummaryРAsk students to read the grammar focus. And then I’ll let students do some exercises and check if they have got the knowledge. РThen, we e to the last step.РStep7 homework РWrite some sentences to talk about your bedroom using different prepositions of places.РAfter talking about the teaching procedure, I’d like to go to the next part—РPart 5 Blackboard designРUnit8 Is there a post office near here? Р-Is there a ___________ near here? Р-Yes, there is. It’s on __________ Street.Рthe post office across from Р the bank in front of РWhere is the restaurant ? It’s next to the park. Р the pay phone behind Р the hotel between the hotel and


