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ght. Р47. This book is too difficult for me to read. Р48. Would you like to play basketball after school? Р49. At the age of four, he began to learn to sing. Р50. Let’s play chess ! Р七、补全对话。(共5分,每小题1分)Р51—55 D C F E B Р八、智力测试。(共5分,每小题1分)Р56—60 C C A B B Р九、作文(15分)РMany students have a cold and often feel tired . Here is some advice for you to keep healthy. You should do morning exercise every day. And keep the windows of your bedrooms open for one or two hours every day .It can make the air in your bedrooms fresh and clean .You’d better often wash your hands, especially before meals .Drink more water every day .Don’t spit everywhere .When you are tired ,you shouldn’t work too late at night .You should go to bed early and get up early .Р I hope all of us will keep off cold and stay healthy.


