
上海市浦东新区2017 2018学年度八年级英语上学期期中质量调研试题牛津上海版

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the supermarket?РHow did the plastic bottle feel at first?РHe never felt so empty and alone when the woman threw him into a litter bin, did he?РWhen was the plastic bottle thrown into a truck?РWhere will the plastic bottle probably spend the rest of his life?РHow can you change his journey in a green way?РⅦ.Writing (写话共12分)Р80. Write at least 60 words on the topic “A day in the life of Gary Green” according to the given pictures and questions.(根据所给图片和相关问题,以“Gary Green的一天”为题写一篇不少于60个单词的短文,要求语言通顺,内容完整,标点符号不占格。)РThe following pictures show a day in the life of Gary Green and how he tries to protect the environment. Write a short article about him for Friends of the Earth.РSuggested questionsРWhat does Gary Green do to protect the environment? РWhat does Gary Green think people should do?Р201


