re of valueР29.?Which of the following best illustrates the medium of exchange function of money?Рa.РYou keep some money hidden in your shoe.Рb.РYou keep track of the value of your assets in terms of currency.Рc.РYou pay for your oil change using currency.Рd.РNone of the above is correct.РANS:?C?DIF:?1?REF:?29-1РNAT:?Analytic?LOC:?The role of money TOP:?Medium of exchangeР30.?You receive money as payment for babysitting your neighbors' children. This best illustrates which function of money?Рa.Рmedium of exchangeРb.Рunit of accountРc.Рstore of valueРd.РliquidityРANS:?A?DIF:?1?REF:?29-1РNAT:?Analytic?LOC:?The role of money TOP:?Medium of exchangeР31.?Which of the following is a function of money?Рa.Рa unit of accountРb.Рa store of valueРc.Рmedium of exchangeРd.РAll of the above are correct.