l herbicidesРand that those who spokeР (35)?Spanish (the language ofРthe market economy) wereРmore likely to adopt bothРtechnologies. NonlandРwealth was also associatedР (40)?with more adoption of bothРtechnologies, but availabilityРof uncultivated land reducedРthe incentive to employ theРproductivity-enhancing tech-Р (45)?nologies. ResearchersРalso measured land-tenureРsecurity: in TawahkaРsociety, kinship ties are a Рmore important indicator of Р (50)?this than are legal propertyРrights, so researchersРmeasured it by a house-Рhold’s duration of residenceРin its village. They foundР (55)?that longer residence cor-Рrelated with more adoptionРof improved plant varietiesРbut less adoption ofРchemical herbicides.Р--------------------------------------------------------------------------------