

上传者:似水流年 |  格式:doc  |  页数:16 |  大小:131KB

tnessed the huge healing( 治愈的) power of 58 even if it’s only a gift of fifty cents. Before Mark left, my parents asked him why he had knocked on our door. Mark said that 59 he’d walked along the streets that rainy night, helpless and ready to 60, he had noticed a sticker on the car. It read: SOMEBODY LOVES YOU. 41. A. believed B. noticed C. experienced D. understood 42. A. eve ry body B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody 43. A. Later B. First C. Afterwards D. Meanwhile 44. A. looked B. raced C. spoke D. broke 45. A. pity B. anxiety C. guilty D. fear 46. A. Worried B. Curious C. Puzzled D. Annoyed 47. A. sense B. thought C. sight D. look 48. A. shook B. stuck C. pushed D. forced 49. A. answered B. fixed C. found D. reached 50. A. anger B. delight C. peace D. surprise 51. A. hug B. kiss C. smile


