dopt exam method and hundred-mark system, the peacetime grades accounts for 30%, the final assessment result at least 70% 6. Teaching material, main reference books and information 1, teaching material Yi- Bing Lin, Imrich Chlamtac, wireless and work structure, people's posts and munications press, first edition may, 2002. 2, main reference books and information Jiandong Yang piled, munications, posts and munications press. First edition may, 1998. Theodore S.R, munications, all& Practice, Prentic Hall PTR, New Jersey, 1996. Rajan Kuruppillai et al., Wireless PCS, McGraw Hall, 1997. piled, munications (4th edition), xi 'an university of electronic science and technology press, March 2013 IEEE munications and 3g/4 g/LTE system for munications literature Writer : Zhang jianwu Date : 2013-7-2