essentially ofa number of hydrocarbons , they are present in varying proportions in each deposit , and the properyies of each deposit have to be evaluated . Samples are subjected toa series of tests in the laboratory , the object of which is largely to deter-mine the correct processing methods to be adopted in each case 不同油田所产原油的组分,从来没有完全相同的。尽管所有石油基本上都是由若干碳氢化合物组成,但每个油层所含碳氢化合物的比例却有大小不等的差别。每个油层的油性都需要单独作出评价。油样要在化验室进行一系列的化验,其目的主要在于针对情况确定在提炼中所应采取的方法。 Petroleum is not normally used today in the crude state . The mixture of oils of which it posed must be separated out into a number of products such as petrol , aviation spirit , kerosene , diesel oils and lubricants , all of which have special purposes . The main method of separation used in refineries is fractional distillation , although further