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2152H , 3416H , 5731H , 4684H MOV BX , OFFSET BUF MOV AL ,3 XLAT 4. There are eight dormitories ina class, and the electricity consumptions are 30, 42, 20, 50, 15, 32, 46, 38 KWH separately ina month. pile an assemble program to classify these electricity consumptions: over 45 KWH , between 25 KWH and 45 KWH , below 25 KWH .( Percent 12) 第 Page 3 SECTION V: Comprehensive question ( Percent 10) 1 .Construct a 8088 main memory system of 64KB with 138 decoder and 2764 chip as shown in Figure 1, which takes full decoding mode and has the address range between F0000H ~ FFFFFH . Please try : (1) How many 2764 chips are needed? ( Percent 2) (2) To draw 8088 CPU BUS and the link graph of the memory system. ( Percent 6) (3) To list the address range of every 2764 chip? ( Percent 2) Figure 1 Page 4


