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, we will be getting some insight into things that will be affecting our lives in the future.Р 3. How many radians(弧度)will the shaft(转轴)of the motor have turned through in 1/2 min?Р 4. The sun is constantly emitting light and heat.Р 5. When the Russians anizing chess touraments on Venus, when Americans open the first MacDonald’s on the moon, and the Chinese are playing ping-pong against the Martians, the earthbound Londoners will eye them suspiciously through their telescopes.Р 6. We have for simplicity been speeking of the current in a conductor as if all of the free electrons moved with the same constant velocity.Р 7. This formula applies to sideways waves(侧波)of the sort we have been describing.Р 8. In Chapter 2 when we were discussing functions we considered many functions of this type.


