
英语:Unit 1 阅读课说课稿(牛津译林版选修7)

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o. In the end, the group with the most points will win. 设计思路:通过组际间的竞争,促进生生互动,体现以学生为主的新课程理念。 Step III Post reading Questions: Is China among the leading countries in the development of science and technology? What are you going to do to contribute to our motherland? (Discussion) 设计思路:激发学生学习科学技术知识的热情,培养学生热爱科学、为祖国做贡献的精神。 Step IV Focus on some key words Form a with TV and audio devices in the center. Add suffix to some words to form new ones. 设计思路:教会学生记忆词汇的策略。 Step V Listen or read the text aloud and underline all the prepositions. 设计思路:听、读有助于语言学习,回归课文整体。 Step VI Homework Write a passage of 120-150 words about the development of the telephone. Instruction: Read Passage A on P109 first and then get to know the keys points in B. After that, write a passage of your own. 设计思路:写作是巩固运用、语言知识的有效方法之一。


