
Unit 1句子及表达方式

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ss e.g. Mary met up with her student on the street ofa foreign country. Comparison: meet the case 适当,令人满意 meet sb. half-way 与某人妥协 meet one ’s Waterloo (在比赛中)惨败 Translation: 1. 在一次会议上,那位教授偶遇了十年前帮助过她的恩人。 Ina conference, the professor met up with her benefactor who helped her 10 years ago. 2. 在与民主党的辩论中,共和党遭到了惨败。 During discussion with the Democratic Party, the Republican Party met its Waterloo. Activity: Make a dialogue You are going to watch a film. When you buy some snacks at the supermarket, you meet up with a friend. You try to persuade him to go to see the movie with you. Work in pairs and make a dialogue. S entences 6.… the picture began to fade on the 36th floor (Paragraph 34) Explanation :… Nothing was known about what had happened on the 36th floor. Translation : 在第 36 层,逃生的画面变得模糊起来。


