f children in Britain and North America rushed to claim their copies. Bookstores hosted pajama parties, hired magicians and served cookies and punch, but nobody needed to lift the spirits of these crowds. In one case, customers made such a big, happy noise that neighbors called the cops. Ata Borders in Charlotte, N.C., Erin Rankin, 12, quickly thumbed to the back as soon as she got her copy. “I heard that a_ major character dies, and I really want to find out who," she said. But minutes later she gave up. “I just can't do it.I can't read the end first." 3 当这本书终于在星期六午夜 12: 01 面市时,在英国和北美,成千上万的孩子争相购买。书店举办了睡衣派对, 邀请了一些魔术师表演, 并提供曲奇饼和潘趣酒, 可是没人需要这些, 因为人们个个情绪高涨。有一次, 顾客们发出了巨大的欢呼声, 以致邻居们实在难以忍受而报了警。在美国北卡罗来纳州的夏洛特市“边界”连锁书店, 12 岁的艾琳· 兰金一拿到书就快速翻到最后一页。“我听说有一个主角死了,我真的很想知道是谁, ”她说。但是几分钟后她放弃了。“我做不到,我不能先看书的结尾。”