and outputs. [ EX .4] Fill out the space after the record. Unlike C, VHDL isa strongly typed language. This means that the 1 does not allow you to2a value toa signal or variable unless the type of the value precisely 3 the declared type of the signal or variable. Strong typing is both a blessing and a curse. It makes your 4 more reliable and easier to5, because it makes it difficult for you to make “ dumb 6” where you assign a value of the wrong type or size. On the other hand, it can be exasperating at times. Even simple 7, such as reinterpreting a 2-bit 8 as an integer (for example, to9one of four es ina“ case ”10 ), may require you to call a type-conversion function explicitly. 1. compiler 2. assign 3. matches 4. program 5. debug 6. errors 7. operations 8. signal 9. select 10. statement