

上传者:科技星球 |  格式:doc  |  页数:78 |  大小:0KB

o the Revolutionary War, the United States was an English colony . a. Prior b. Before c. Preceding d. Following 256. This room is partly ________ with a few old armchairs. a. provided b. decorated c. beautified d. furnished l 257.Jane was fairly good at English, but in mathematics she could not______ the rest of the students in her class. a. put up with b. keep up with c. do away with d. run away with 258.Standing on the seashore, we could just see the ship on the _________. a. edge b. earth c. horizon d. view 259.This album is _________ as it was the only one ever signed by the President. a. unusual b. unique c. rare d. singular 260. They have had a good harvest for three years in __________. a. line b. end c. row d. ession 261.You will never get __________ with all your homework tonight.


