
《实用综合教程 实用听说教程2》第二册全套教案

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dj. 粘的, 粘腻的 e.g. The tape is not very sticky. stick v. 粘住, 坚持, 困住 e.g. Stamps stick together. 8. stuff n. 材料, 原料 v. 填充, 塞满 e.g. green stuff 蔬菜 9. considerate adj. 考虑周到的, 体谅的 e.g. It was very considerate to let us know you were going to late. consideration n. 考虑, 照顾 e.g. Jane never shows any consideration for her mother ’s feelings. 10. license n. 执照, 许可证 vt. 批准, 特许 e.g. apply for a driving license licensed adj. 得到许可的 licensee n. 被许可的人 licenser n. 认可者 11. reserve vt. 保留, 预定, 预约 e.g. A great future is reserved for you. reservation n. 保留, 预定 e.g. make a reservation 12. incline v. 倾向于 e.g. He was inclined to go back home by air. inclination n. 倾向, 爱好 13. instruct vt. 教育, 教导, 指示 e.g. Our staff members have been instructed to offer you every assistance. instruction n. 说明, 指导 14. rarity n. 稀有, 稀少


