
人教版七年级上册英语 unit4 测试

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desks 38. her 39. are 40. Amy'sРР五、41. Come on 42. Where are 43. are everywhere Р44. set; keys 45. model planeР六、46. photo 47. of 48. What 49. some 50. on Р51. under 52. Where 53. are 54. green 55. thingsР七、范文: РDear Li Qiang, РPlease take these things to my room. They are my CDs, books, tape player, dictionary and schoolbag. The CDs are on the TV①. The books are in the bookcase①. The tape player is on the table①. Oh, where's my dictionary? ②Is it in the bookcase? ② I think it's on the sofa①. And my schoolbag is under the table①. Thank you. РYours, РWang PengР点评: 本文运用了“三步三层”法来介绍房间物品的摆放情况。第一步, 确定介绍对象, 开篇点题(第1、2句); 第二步, 谈论物品位置(第3至9句); 第三步, 在结尾处表示感谢(第10句)。 Р添彩点: ①本文正确使用了表示地点的方位介词短语on the TV, in the bookcase, on the table, on the sofa, under the table; ②设问句的使用, 使文章显得生动、活泼; 最后一句表达感谢, 使文章结构更加完整。


