

上传者:梦溪 |  格式:doc  |  页数:15 |  大小:64KB

Mrs. Clarke looked forward to Thursday because she Р A. joined in a special activity in the club B. could meet her old friendsР C. regularly visited a club D. had a special visitor to meetР Р52. Mrs. Clarke thought that if someone had made a forced entry, Р A. a door or a window would have been damagedР B. he or she might hide somewhere in the houseР C. things would have been thrown aboutР D. he or she might not have a master keyР53. On the third Thursday Mrs. Clarke went out because she wanted to Р A. seek help to find out the truth of the cigarette smokeР B. see if the thief was hanging about outsideР C. resume her normal visit to the clubР D. catch the thief by trickР54. Mrs. Clarke didn’t expect that her front door


