.log", thus if this file does not exist (very unlikely) ZASP processing may be incorrect. Other localizations on request. Independent operation --------------------- 1 Create a shortcut on the Windows Desktop to "zasp.exe" in the ZET folder. 2 Right-click the shortcut, select Properties. 3 Select the Shortcut tab, click "Change icon". In the Change Icon dialog, Browse to the ZET folder, select "zasp.ico", and click "OK". 4 In the Target field, enter the mand line paramters (inside the quotation characters). 5 In the Shortcut tab, select "Minimized" in the Run listbox. 6 Click "OK" to close the dialogs. 7 To run ZASP, double-click the Desktop shortcut. History ------- v1.0 Initial release for Russian and English users of ZET 7. v2.0 Updated for ZET 8. Adrian Orlowski sunzoomsprk@yahoo.co.uk