stage reports short circuit to battery or open load. HCI喷射计量阀高压侧对电源短路或开路Р231 DFC_HCDosVlvSCGOLLS Diagnostic error check for short circuit to ground or open load on the lowside switch. HCI喷射计量阀低压侧对地短路或开路Р232 DFC_HCDosVlvSCHS Diagnostic error check for short circuit error on highside switch HCI喷射计量阀高压侧短路Р233 Monitoring of DPM dosing system ?HC喷射SV阀电气监测 DFC_SVSCBHS DFC for SVSCBHS error on the DIO output powerstage SV阀高端对电源短路Р234 DFC_SVSCGOL DFC for SCGOL error on the output powerstage of SV SV阀对地短路或开路Р235 DFC_SVSCBLS DFC for DFC_SVSCBLS error on the PWM output powerstage SV阀低端对电源短路Р236 Monitoring of pressure and temperature during HC dosing ?HC喷射系统级监测 DFC_DPMPresDiffUndrMin DFC for differential pressure of the dosing system lower than the hysteresis threshold DPM碳氢喷射系统的压差(DV前压力减去排气背压)小于标定限值