
新概念二 1-4课 英语试卷

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ng 8. the_tre 9. dec_sion 10. mus_um Р二、用下列单词的适当形式填空,每个词只用一次:(1'*5) Р bear until request guard valuable Р 1. It was not _____ late afternoon that they began to do the homework. Р 2. My mother sometimes treats me like a baby, which I can not ____. Р 3. Her grandmother lest her a ________ th thing. Р 4. I came to the office at the _____ of Mr. Smith. Р 5. The solider was orderde to keep ______. Р三、连词成句:(3'*5) Р 1. end I not could in bear the it __________________________ Р 2. said I can't word angrily I a hear __________________________ Р 3. did I a lines few not read but understand word I a __________________________ Р 4. stay I sometimes until in lunchtime bed __________________________ Р 5. business It's is none a conversation of private your this __________________________ Р四、单选题:(2'*10)


