
五年级英语 句型之连词成句专项练习 湘少版

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be I will first the Р64. ring where is my // it sofa was near the (?)Р65. it wardrobe in was the(?)Р66. birthday is when your Р67. fifth on it of May is the Р68. on the June of first Day Chidren’s is Р69. these are mine pictures Р70. not that mine is // his is book this Р71. good are they both veryР72. matter is the what // ball took Benny myР73. naughty are both you very Р74. other sorry to say each Р75. did Linda what do Р76. kicked the ball Tim hard tooР77. a good he idea had Р78. enjoy your did outing you schoolР79. did where you have lunch yourР80. time what you did him seeР81. glasses he wore Р82. scarf whose this is Р83. homework at I my did o’clock sixР84. foot came I on // came here I bike by Р85. how did go to you workР86. write you can English in (?) Р87. falls it October on 1st


