
《Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.》课件小学英语外研社版一年级起点四年级下册(2014年12月第1版)

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都)РTaskРWhat is the capital of the US?РWhat language do they speak?РWhat cities did you hear?РWhere is Los Angeles?РWhere is New York?РLos Angeles, New York and Washingtong DC.РIt's in the west of the US.РIt's in the east of the US.РWashington DC.РThey speak English.РcountryРlanguage(语言)Рthe USРEnglishРthe UKРEnglishРAustraliaРEnglishРChinaРChineseРPeople in _____ speak ______.РNew YorkРWashington DCРLos AngelesРIt's in the ______ of the US.РThis country is _________.РMy friend _____ lives in the UK.
He/She lives in the ____ of the UK.РDoes he/she live in ______?Рthe UKРHe lives in _________.РMy cousin David lives in the east of the UK.?What city does he live?РCanberraРAustraliaРPerthРSydneyРThis country is _________.РMy friend Alice lives in the west of Australia.?What city does she live?


