
Light Up Science(科学1A 课件Unit 3 Day and Night Unit Review

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D AY AND N IGHT U NIT 3 白天和夜晚 What happens in the day? What happens at night? Draw lines. Which shapes can the moon be? Tick ( √). √√√ Which is the Big Dipper? Tick (√). √ Workbook What can you see in the sky? Draw lines . 1. This is the moon. It changes its shape . 2. These are stars. 3. This is the Big Dipper. Write the numbers. In the , I study. At , I . 123 8 It is the end of the day. The sun is setting . Night will come soon. What happens at night? Sunset Possible answer: I can see the moon at night. I can see the stars at night. I sleep at night .


