草、啮齿动物。Weeds, rodents, etc.土壤消毒的历史History of soil disinfestation氯化苦Chloropicrin?由苏格兰化学家Stenhouse合成, 1848年首次报道作为土壤熏蒸剂, 随着第一次世界大战的爆发, 在战场上用作催泪瓦斯。?Chloropicrin was synthesized by Stenhouse, a Scottish chemist, and first reported as a soil fumigant in 1848. It was used as a tear gas in World War I.?1920年,Russell负责的一个农业试验站发现,氯化苦可有效地防治番茄上一些未知的土传病害,使作物产量得到恢复。?It was found that chloropicrin can control some unknown soil diseases in tomato and the yield recovered in an agricultural experiment station, in charge of Russell, in 1920.?1934年,氯化苦作为一种作物种植前的土壤消毒剂而得到广泛的应用。?Chloropicrin was widely used as a preplant fumigant in 1934. 溴甲烷(甲基溴)Methyl bromide?1843年,Bensen合成了溴甲烷,1932年,法国人Le Goupil首先发现了溴甲烷的熏杀害虫的活性. ?MB was synthesized by Bensen in 1843. Le Goupil, a French, found the activity on insects in 1932.