
四年级上册英语课件- M2U1 Jill’s family (Period 3) 上海牛津版(试用版)(共12张PPT)

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kes watch Р the beautiful moon in the garden.РРAll: Great!РDad: Jill, please come and help me.РJill: OK.РРGrandpa: I have a riddle for you, Jill. Р Sometimes it’s a ‘C’.Р Sometimes it’s an ‘O’.Р Sometimes you can see it, Р but sometimes you can’t.Р What is it?РJill: Is it ‘cloud’?РGrandpa: No. It’s ‘O’ today.РJill: Ah, it’s the moon!РGrandpa: That’s right! Look! Р It’s big and bright in the sky!РРTrue or false:Р( ) 1. Jill and her parents are with her Р grandparents.Р( ) 2. They have mooncakes and watch the Р moon in the garden.Р( ) 3. The moon is a ‘C’ today.РРTРFРTРРРР2Р1РР3РSay and act:Рvisit her grandparentsРwatch the beautiful moonРa riddle/ big and bright


