
雾都孤儿 ppt(英文课件)_图文-课件(ppt·精·选)

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veРyou can help me best if you could take my life at once. i am worth nothing(一文不值)Рfinally,she was killed by?Bill Sikes she lovedРBill Sikes?比尔∙赛克斯(Nancy南希)РBill Sikes比尔∙赛克斯(Nancy南希)РThe Protection of theft gang (团伙)by saying that she will not betray panionsРNancy saves Oliver in distress(苦难) and reveals inside story of Oliver's birth(揭开了他的身份)Рher goodness in her ?nature finally e her evil in heart. So she is determined to tell Miss Rose the entire secret at London Bridge.РFaithful to the Love ?When Rose learns about Nancy's tragic fate, she shows great sympathy to her and tries to help her to find a new life. But Nancy declines over and over again.РShe is not exactly pretty, but she has a great ?deal of color in her face, and looks quite stout and hearty.?clever, kind and cautious.РNancy


