ational deflection of LightРNow assume boxes are acceleratingРLight path is curvedРLight ray curved in accelerating frameРPrinciple of Equivalence (acceleration = gravity)РGravity attracts light!РParadox: How can gravity attract light ?if light has no mass?РMASS-ENERGY EQUIVALENCEРGravity extracts energy from escaping matterРGravity extracts energy from escaping lightР Gravitational redshift, time dilationРOther points of view same result:?accelerating frames of reference - apply special relativity?spacetime is curvedРCurved SpacetimeРRemember: Gravity warps timeРslowРfastРBUT: in spacetime, time and space are not separableР=> Both space and time are curved (warped)РThis is a bit hard to vizualize (spacetime already 4D…)РTidesРProblem:РGravity decreases with distance => stretch…Рr1Рr2Рmoon