

上传者:非学无以广才 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:11 |  大小:0KB

e Red ?Riding Hood. Little Red Riding ?Hood dances and sings in the? forest. At last es to her? grandmother’s house. ?She knocks on the door.)РC: Who’ that? ?B: It’s me.? C: Who’s me? ?B: It’s Little Red Riding Hood. ?C: Come in, my dear.? (Little Red Riding Hood goes into the house. She looks at the wolf in the bed. )?B: What big ears you’ve got Grandmother!? C: I want to hear you my dear.? B: What big eyes you’ve got, Grandmother. C: I want to see you, my dear. ?B: What big teeth you’ve got, Grandmother! C: I want to eat you, my dear!Р(The wolf jumps out of the bed. Little Red Riding Hood runs out of the house.) ?B: (calls out) Help! Help!! Help!!!Р第三幕Р(At this time, a hunter? passes by. He kills the ?wolf. Little Red Riding? Hood es safe and ?Grandmother jumps out? of the wolf.)Р歌曲《小红帽》


