
Electric Machinery 电机学 英汉双语 教学课件 ppt 作者 刘慧娟 英文课件 Chapter4-Induction machine

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rating status, the unit is rpm.?5. Rated frequency , it means that frequency of power supply is at rating status, the unit is Hz.Р8РThe input power of the induction motorРThe output power of the induction motorР9Р4.2 ic Relations of an Induction MotorР4.2.1 Main Flux and Leakage Flux of an Induction MotorРThe main flux is the flux linked simultaneously with stator and rotor winding.? It’s consisted of air gap, stator tooth, stator yoke, rotor tooth and rotor yoke. induction motor transmits power through main flux. ?Reluctance of main ic path is influenced by the saturation of iron core.РMain FluxР10РLeakage flux is classified into stator leakage flux and rotor leakage flux , generated by stator current and rotor current respectively.Рslot leakage fluxРend leakage fluxРharmonic leakage flux


