e Cannon moves differently when it moves to capture than when it moves passively. ?1. The Cannon moves passively as an Rook .?2. The Cannon moves to capture as an Rook which is required to hop over a single screen. ?In other words, Cannons capture by skip a second piece in order to capture a third piece. Cannons only capture when skip and only hop when capturing. They may never hop over more than one piece in a given move.РRook are the first most powerful piece in the game of Chinese Chess. They can move either horizontally or vertically.РRookРKnightsРKnights’ movement is very unique, similar to that of a "L" shape. Moving one square laterally, then one square diagonally. The Knight moves one point orthogonally followed by one point outward-diagonally. It may not leap over occupied points.