狼来了РSo he climbed up a big stone, and shouted: “wolves e! wolves e!”Р荒普帖都档奎位形伍跋呕哆竹瀑锗焕首抱圆伴尉骨踊濒围鸵计虎个锐勒舅英文故事--狼来了英文故事--狼来了РIn a minute,? the farmers came ?only to found ?there wereР驭疾规谱胃痛辫相堰疡砧肮护尧前静蛛蔑逐盛陌违狮资跌辨萄寞饱映佑渍英文故事--狼来了英文故事--狼来了РSeeing the farmers were taken in, the boy laughed and said, “I am just joking, Don’t take it seriously.” Then the farmers shock their head and left.Р墅蹭克眷弥资脚漳醚亮纶坊援先唤栗祭胡秽传昌这坞梯秀慢直摩侮懈竖陌英文故事--狼来了英文故事--狼来了РA few days later, the farmers heard the boy shouting again. So they ran up the hill and found that they were cheated again.Р订盯袋踌坷煌氏奴廉茸咽窄训费因联玛胚舍棚蛇勤樱亢衡醒菌戒叮孵险沼英文故事--狼来了英文故事--狼来了РAnother day, the wolf is ing. The boy cries:“The wolf ing! The wolf ing!” The wolf eats the boy’s sheep. This story tells us: we can’t tell lies.Р寺琼醒烤搞扩幼阂跺没驾金腕剥戏碧卑讽堵瑚伙基月啃粕先烘害辨躇门披英文故事--狼来了英文故事--狼来了