
2018年小升初英语总复习 第八章 书面表达课件

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p rope. She can kick shuttlecock(踢毽子) well. She is good at playing ping-pong, too. But she is not a PE teacher. She is a kind nurse. She is always helpful to the patients. On the weekend, she often climbs mountains with my father and me.Р考点2 考查图片作文的写作?【例2】假设你是Bob,请结合图片写一写你的假期计划,50词左右。Р解析: 本题是多幅图的作文。文字提示要求你以Bob 的身份,用所给的图片信息,写出自己的假期安排,所以作文的人称是第一人称。游泳、绘画、看望祖父母和旅游这些活动是可以自行合理安排的,不需要按顺序。另外,题目中的“计划”一词,说明全文的时态要用一般将来时。Р范文:My name is Bob. I’m a student of Grade Six. This summer vacation will be a long and free holiday. I’m expecting it. I will go swimming every morning. Because it’s good exercise. I’m also going to learn to draw three times a week. In August, I will take a trip to Hangzhou with my parents. And I will visit my grandparents there. I think I will have a good time in my summer vacation.


