speaks, speaking speakРA word root may be used alone bined with other elements to form another word with a different meaning.Рalcohol alcoholism (condition marked by impaired ? control over alcohol use)?sperm spermicide (agent that kills sperm)?thyroid thyroidectomy (excision of the thyroid ? gland)РRoot as plete WordРRoot as a Part of a WordРCombining FormsРbining form (CF) is created when a word root bined with a vowel. This vowel is usually an o. ?The vowel has no meaning of its own, but enables two word elements to be linked.РChem -therapy ?dermat -logy ?Encephal -graphy ?Neur -logy ?Therm -meterРSuffixРRootРoР+РvowelР+РCombining FormsРbining vowel is used to link a root to another root to form pound word.Рgastr / o / enter / itisРleuk / o / cyt / o / peniaРelectr / o / cardi / o / gram