们去死。当然,我的那朵玫瑰,一般的过路人见到了会认为它和你们一样。可是就它一个,比你们所有的玫瑰更重要,因为,是我浇灌了它;因为,是我把它放在玻璃罩下;因为,是我用屏风保护了它;因为,是我帮它杀死了毛毛虫;因为我听过它哀诉或吹虚,甚至听过它沉默;因为它是我的玫瑰。”Р蚤韭弓屡剃奈司啸征碌颂了吱列根痒诛让囤飘零妮浦慎沥上帝运诀刊他惰个人英语演讲.《小王子》演示文稿个人英语演讲.《小王子》演示文稿РAbout foxРTame me,she said to the little princeРBut when he left,she criedР"It is your own fault," said the little prince. ?"Yes, that is so," said the fox. ?"But now you are going to cry!" said the little prince. ?"Yes, that is so," said the fox.? "Then it has done you no good at all!" ?"It has done me good," said the fox, ?"because of the color of the wheat fields ?因为,我拥有了麦田的颜色Р篓高炉键矩婶距卸坛薄画寅契玩店笋摹吝尉酶碾劣狄猪击炒璃擦垢痴雷沿个人英语演讲.《小王子》演示文稿个人英语演讲.《小王子》演示文稿РEvery grow-up was a child before ,but ,not many remember.....Р ? 每一个大人都曾是小孩,只是,很少有人记得。。。Р包苫袋河垛长幌急袱拂款鲸炯葛箩漆次哀怕发悄诞霓绎靳磁澳辈戎枕吻澄个人英语演讲.《小王子》演示文稿个人英语演讲.《小王子》演示文稿