
(最新)春牛津深圳版英语九下Unit 3《The environment》(grammar)ppt课件1

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or more ways.?▲We use to say things are exactly like one another.?▲We use to say things are not similar or not the same as one another.Рdifferent fromРthe same asРlikeРWe often use like, the same as and different from with these verbs.Рbe look seem smell sound tasteР1. The Earth is the Moon in size.РComplete these sentences with like, the same as or different from.Рdifferent fromР2. Oranges taste apples. ?3. Jim looks? his father.?4. Leaf A seems? Leaf B.Рdifferent fromРAРBРlikeРlikeР5. Alice’s dress looks Ann’s.РAliceРAnnРthe same asР6. Peter’s tie is Paul’s.Рthe same asРPeterРPaulРC Using the same…as with nouns and phrases?Sometimes we put a noun or a phrase after the same.РWe can reuse things for the same purpose as before.?Jerry uses the same amount of electricity as his neighour does.


