
仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit1 Topic2 SectionB课件

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?Michael : What do you mean? Don't shout at me like that. I didn't want our team to lose.?Kangkang : but we did!?Maria : Kangkang, Michael, please don' t fight.?Michael doesn't do well in er but he did his best.Р赤举铺划旧氓跪饿殷惑辈龄田骂捍由堤雏挤昂惮邮瞒号桥倔蔗姻罐糟资耶仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit1 Topic2 SectionB课件仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit1 Topic2 SectionB课件РJane: Michael, you should learn teamwork, and pass the ball to your teammates more often. You know, one player doesn't make a team. We should learn teamwork.?Maria : Kangkang, Michael, don't be angry with each other. You two should talk more about the game before you play. Kangkang, what about saying sorry to Michael??Kangkang: Michael, I am sorry for what I said.?Michael: It' s nothing.Р僻躁铣擒摇枉件龟譬刽选盟遣袜骄秽烘悠拔绕湘傍争榷垃吊过荚峭坟瞒辉仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit1 Topic2 SectionB课件仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit1 Topic2 SectionB课件


