
《Unit 10 Forests and land课件》初中英语牛津上海版六年级下册

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all animals and insects build their homes in the hollows of trees. Leaves, flowers and fruit are their food.РAnd what do these birds, animals and insects eat?РPeople in some countries cook food ?with wood. They get wood from forests.РWe cut down trees to make houses, ?Furniture and paper. Many animals in? forests die because they lose their ?homes and food. We must stop cutting ?down forests.РForests are very important because they provide shelter and food for birds,?Animals and ?Insects. ?Are forests important to people??What do forests provide for people?РPeople in some countries cook food ?with wood. They get wood from forests.РWe cut down trees to make houses, ?furniture and paper. Many animals in? forests die because they lose their ?homes and food. We must stop cutting ?down forests.


